How Long Do Miter Saw Blades Last? (6 Surprising Factors)

Usually, miter saw blades lose their sharpness with time. And it is an extremely common situation. However, we have the same question as you.

So, you want to know how long miter saw blades last?

On average, miter saw blades last from 2 – 4 years. But the lifespan also depends greatly on several factors. For instance, Doing heavy things with the blade can wear off the sharpness fast. Meanwhile, improper maintenance decreases the lifespan and performance of miter saw blades over time.

Would you like more information on the components of miter saw blades? Also, who wants to miss some bonus tips? So without any further ado, let the journey begin-

What’s the Average Lifespan of a Miter Saw Blade

The lifespan of a saw blade primarily depends on the quality of the blade itself. And this quality depends on a couple of important factors.

Such as the blade itself, the tooth type, the thickness of the material you’re cutting, etc. 

What are the Determinant Factors?

Let’s overview the below factors to understand the lifespan of a miter saw blade.

Factors Explanation
Blade Type A quality blade can serve you longer than a cheap one from the aftermarket. Also, you can sharpen quality blades multiple times for reuse.
Type of Use Cutting hard materials like aluminum, melamine, and hardwood will make the blade go dull faster. Cutting softwood, or soft materials like PVC pipe with the blade will make it last longer.
Blade’s Size A miter saw blade’s size determines how long it will last. Larger miter saw blades like a 15-inch one are used for rough cutting.
Material Type The longevity of your miter blade depends on the material you’re cutting. Softwoods like pine, cedar, and soft plywood put less stress on the blade.
Cooling Agent The saw gets hot during the cut and produces iron fillings over time. Coolants help to cool down the blade, lubricate, and clean the iron fillings.
Using Habit If you use a saw blade on a daily basis, you’ll need a replacement sooner.

We hope the determinant factors are clear by now. Let me now describe the secret of maximizing the lifespan of a blade.

How to Increase the Longevity of the Saw Blades?

Here are the tips to maintain and increase the longevity of your saw blade.

1. Using the Correct Blade

Utilizing the proper blades for the job and the material greatly extends their life. Using the blade for multipurpose cutting will produce more tension on the blade. 

For instance, use a rip blade and circular saw blades for cutting hardwoods. And, all-rounder blades equipped with 60 carbides reinforced teeth for softwood cutting.

2. Cleaning Regularly

You should clean the blade on a regular basis. Avoid leaving the blade with debris after work. Iron fillings produced as waste can decrease the blades’ lifespan over time.

Use a proper cleaning agent to clean the blade immediately after work.

3. Lubricating the Blade

Saw blades can deliver good cuts without being lubricated. But lubrication helps to smoothen the cutting process. It reduces the friction between the blade and the material. 

Along with that, it relieves the stress on the blade by eliminating heat production. Excessive heat from friction damages the blade by warping its shape. 

4. Apply Automation

In comparison to a manual feeder, automated feeding can extend a saw’s life by 30%. Manual feeding equipment is more vulnerable to operator error because of improper use. 

A feeder that operates automatically also modifies the pressure in accordance with the cutting capacity of the blade. This stops the blade from becoming overly stressed.

The blades reaching the end will require replacement. So, let’s explore further to know exactly when to replace the blade.

When to Sharpen Your Miter Saw Blades?

It’s normal for saw blades to wear off over time. There are several signs to know that your saw blade is almost there. Let’s find out.

Decreased Smoothness

Your saw is not cutting smoothly as before? It’s a sign that your saw is going dull. The smoothness of the blade decreases over time. It also happens if you cut stainless steel rods, aluminum or hardwood, etc.

Decrease Precision

Precision matters the most while cutting for a project, right? Decreased precision is another sign that the blade is dull. You can easily resharpen a quality blade.

Excess Chipping

If your saw is chipping the material, it means the sharpness has worn off. Meanwhile, you can either resharpen the blade or consider replacing a new one.

Heating Issue

If you see that the saw blade is generating excessive heat you should apply lubricant. But If that doesn’t solve the issue consider replacing the blade.

Binding Up

If the cuts are binding up, it means the sharpness of the blade has decreased. Also, the blade will cut slower and create more friction resulting in more heat. 

As a result, the heat leaves burning marks on the material.

So, the life span of saws varies from one type to another. Time is also a major factor here. With time even the best chainsaw starts malfunctioning like a chainsaw runs on idle but not at full throttle.


Are Miter saw blades worth sharpening?

The answer is simple, yes. Sharpening a miter saw blade is definitely worth it. It can prevent waste and you can save money too. A new blade will cost you 2 times compared as sharpening the existing one. So, yes you should re-sharpen your blade as long as the blade can take it.

How to change the blade on a miter saw?

Take the miter saw plug out of the outlet to remove the bolt. Then release the spindle lock. After that, remove the old blade and set up the fresh miter saw blade. Lastly, to tighten the bolt, press the spindle lock. Make sure the bolt and the spindle lock is attached properly.

What’s the cost of sharpening a saw blade?

It usually costs 5 to 50 cents per tooth of the blade. It may vary depending on the model of the blade. Because different models have different tooth types & sizes. Size also matters when sharpening a blade; sharpening larger blades will cost more.


We hope that now you have a clear understanding of how long miter saw blades last. We also hope the resources in the article will come in handy at your work. 

Make sure you follow the maintenance instructions we’ve provided for your miter saw blade.

We’ll see you at the next one. Till then have a good day.

Jim Boslice

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